A critical aspect of a technical solution is an explanation of the deliverables that are produced at each project milestone. 技术解决方案中一个重要的方面是,对在项目的每个里程碑处产生的可交付内容进行解释。
Continuous monitoring motivates the right behaviors throughout the project, not just at milestone points. 持续的监控推动着整个项目中的正确行为,不只是在里程碑处。
Project attributes provide an effective way to differentiate the resource demand on these proposals, based on the last milestone achieved. 基于到达的上一个里程碑,项目属性提供了一个有效的方法来区分这些建议需要的资源。
A project review, including milestone reviews, is a periodic review held at the end of an iteration or at other management milestones. 项目审查,包括里程碑审查,是在迭代模式或在其他管理里程碑处进行的定期审查。
The project plan approved milestone is permission from management to proceed with the deployment. 项目计划批准的里程碑是管理层是否许可继续部署的时间点。
In a project funded by Microsoft, he has now reached a major milestone in delivering that capability. 现在多年的工作已经达到了一个重要的里程碑。
On selection of the contractor the consultants shall, based on the proposal of the successful bidder, assist gtcl in drawing up a draft contract, review the overall project implementation plan and advice on a suitable milestone payment schedule. 咨询员在选择承包商时,应根据成功投标人的方案,协助gtcl起草合同草案,审核整个项目实施计划,提出关于合适付款单的建议。
The "Shanghai Telecom convergent billing project" was successfully cutover then collected on line in Shanghai, which considered as the milestone of TYDIC billing history. 天源迪科计费史上具有里程碑意义的“上海电信融合计费项目”在上海成功割接上线。
We recommend each student have a project website as a good place to post milestone reports as well as the details of your machine development. 我们建议每个学生都建立一个计画网站,作为张贴你的里程碑报告和机器研发具体细节的好地方。
The project team have just released their first milestone release which can be downloaded here. Impala项目组刚刚发布其首个里程碑版本,可以从这里下载。
The Project Milestone Management Framework just fills that blank of CMM with its project management working procedures. 作为一种具体的软件项目过程管理方法,里程碑管理框架填补了CMM在这方面研究的空白。
With its feature of continuous evolution and improvement software process, the Project Milestone Management Framework is designed to accord with CMM architecture. 第四,里程碑管理框架在设计上符合CMM的要求,是一个可以不断进化和持续改进的管理体系。
The comprehensive finish of Human Genome Project ( HGP) is indubitably a milestone of development of scientific history. 人类基因组计划(HGP)的全面完成无疑是科学发展史上里程碑式的事件,它必将导致新的医学与生物学革命,同时也必然带来一系列新的社会与法律问题。
The tasks involved are starting project, making plan, checking plan, controlling the change, product delivery, achieving the milestone proof, ending the project and personal work management. 涉及的项目管理作业包括启动项目、制定项目计划、检讨项目、控制项目变更、交付产品、获取重要里程碑证明、结案项目以及个人工作管理。
The Project "Power from West to East" is the backbone and milestone project of West exploiting. 西电东送工程是西部大开发的标志性和骨干工程。
The accomplishment of the whole rice genome sequencing project was a very important milestone in the history of rice gene and genomics studies. 水稻全基因组测序工作的完成是水稻基因和基因组研究史上的一个重要里程碑。
The implementation of Project Milestone Management Framework combined with CMM architecture will enhance software process capability and maturity of enterprise, help to achieve CMM level assessment, enhance competency of enterprise in international software market. 同时,将里程碑管理框架与CMM结合在一起实施,能有效地提高企业的软件过程能力和成熟度等级,能够帮助软件企业通过CMM等级评估认证。
As the first major national project in Jiangxi Province, Poyang Lake Eco-economic Area is a major milestone in the history of the development of Jiangxi Province, and has a far-reaching significant to realize the development of Jiangxi Province. 鄱阳湖生态经济区是江西省首个上升为国家战略的重大项目,是江西省发展史上的重大里程碑,对实现江西崛起具有重大而深远的意义。
Besides, we used Project management software to compile development programme, based on milestone plan. 再以里程碑计划为基础,运用Project项目管理软件编制进度计划。
Phoenix City project was born in 2002. It is a milestone in the development history of Country Garden Co. After nine years operation, the project has become a beautiful and large community. 凤凰城项目诞生于2002年,是碧桂园开发史上的里程碑,经过9年的运营,已经成为一个成熟缤纷的大城。
The completion of the genome project, as a milestone, has provided a broader platform for life science. 基因组计划的完成为生命科学研究提供了广阔的平台,具有里程碑式的意义。
According to the concept of software engineering, the project management plan is made and the milestone of each phase is specified. 根据软件工程的概念,制定了项目管理计划,明确每一阶段的里程碑。
Chapter V discusses the control procedure and method of the project, primarily through milestone control, earned value analysis and PDCA cycle on tracking control the progress, cost, quality of the project, to ensure timely completion of projects. 第五章阐述项目的控制过程和方法,主要通过里程碑控制、挣值分析法和PDCA循环法对项目的进度、成本、质量进行跟踪控制,保证项目如期完成。